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91 results found for 'mike graham'

Tech Talk: Untangle and Unwind: Know How to Manage Your Cables

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional One of my biggest pet peeves is messy cables. Even at my house, all of my cables behind the entertainment system are all zip-tied and grouped by control and power. Show time, being superficial with your cables is not recommended and is not professional. Neat cables […]

The Making of a Legendary Infectious Booth

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional It took four days for our CHAUVET team to set up a giant spider and create a booth that amazed and infected hundreds of attendees with light at LDI 2011 in Orlando. We worked day and night installing 46 pieces of truss, 31 motors and ran […]


Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional …And then it was over.  After four days of load in, each consisting of about 14 hours per day, three days of show, and 12 hours of load out, it is all done. LDI 2011 is officially in the can. I have barely had time to […]

LDI 2011: Day One, Load In

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional It’s day one of load in for LDI. Our crew killed it today! We rigged a total of 31 rigging points and all of our truss is ready for lights and video. Yep, its official, we are at LDI and ready to go. Big thanks to […]

PLASA 2011 is in the Can

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional After a very successful PLASA, I would like to thank a few people.  First, I want to thank Sam from our CHAUVET Europe office for being the consummate professional during the buildup, the show, and tear down, as well as programming a great booth. I know […]

Tech Talk: Order from Chaos

How to Design an Impeccable Show Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional In my opinion, there is only one way to design a successful show: you should have the collaboration under control and should start from the beginning. It is really easy to make the mistake of starting from the middle and […]

Earls Court, London

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional I’m at PLASA 2011. We are getting the show ready and for the second time, we are right in front of the doors leading to Earls Court 2. For those of you who have been to Earls Court, you know that right before those doors, the […]

Mexico trip: TV Azteca

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional I was in Mexico for the day to show our Legend Series to TV Azteca. I trained them on three fixtures from this series: Legend 1200E Wash, Legend 1200E Spot and Legend 300E Beam. Take a look at some of the behind-the-scenes shots Stéphane Gressier, global […]

Seriously ?!?

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Frustration can come in many different forms. For me, it usually comes in the form of an airport. I write about travel quite a bit as, well, I travel a lot. In fact, I am hitting my gold level with American Airlines on this very trip—a […]

Tech Talk: The MVP System in a Nutshell

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional …And there was video, and it was good… CHAUVET has entered the video panel world with our release at InfoComm in Orlando this year. MVP Series of modular video panels has already started to buzz right out of the gate. (Honestly, we could not be any […]

International Travel

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Working at CHAUVET requires I spend some serious time hanging out in the friendly skies. I have had to take my shoes off at some of the worlds finest airports, and have been stuck in the middle seat on more than one occasion on international long […]

Entertainment Technology is Coming of Age

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional The people of the modern entertainment technology industry are coming of age, and getting older. I look around and keep seeing younger and younger faces. I find myself saying things like “I was lighting shows when you were watching GI Joe” and “Back when I started […]