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49 results found for 'LDI 2014'

Dancing with the Stars Mexico Shines with NEXUS!

It’s great to hear that Mexico’s “Dancing with the Stars” is back on the air!  Even sweeter in the show is the addition of NEXUS 4×4 panels throughout the design!

Chicago’s THALIA HALL Goes CHAUVET Professional!

Local and national touring acts hit Thalia Hall frequently, and if you’re a rock musician in Chicago, chances are you’ve played Thalia Hall too!  CHAUVET Professional is proud to be a part of this historic landmark music venue built way back in 1892, and we’re glad that we can have some Q-Wash 419Z and COLORado […]

Church Lighting is Different — A Talk with Greg Persinger

All the world may indeed be a stage as Shakespeare wrote, but despite what some may think, the rules of theatrical stage lighting do not always apply to churches.  At least that’s the view of LD Greg Persinger of Vivid Illuminations in Nashville; TN. Persinger knows whereof he speaks. The author of numerous church lighting […]

Reno’s Whitney Peak Hotel Goes CHAUVET Professional!

We’re so happy to hear of the new install at Reno’s Whitney Peak Hotel, in particular the CARGO concert venue!  Check out the article below — pure high speed rock and roll!

West Evénement Shows Off an Army of Legend 412Z

West Evénement production company of France recently purchased 36 Legend 412Z moving head lights from distributor Algam, and proudly showed them off in their warehouse.

Meet Our Newest Panel Member – Introducing The ÉPIX Tile 2.0

Pixel-mapping LED displays are turning up everywhere these days — from concerts and festivals, to sporting events and TV shows.  And with good reason: Not only do these eye-popping displays add tremendous excitement to “live” events, they also work incredibly well on camera, which is why a growing number of  lighting professionals whose projects appear […]

Nexus and Nature On Tour with Third Eye Blind

An Interview With LD Mitch Schellenger It is one of the most fleeting, rare and awe inspiring sights in nature.  Sometimes, if conditions are just right, a green dot will appear on the horizon for a brief moment before the sun sets in the evening.  Scientists call this optical phenomenon a “green flash.” Most of […]

Club Mamajuana in NYC Gets a Legend 412Z Makeover!

Jason Ayala of Jason Blends just recently brought the Legend 412Z to Club Mamajuana in NYC.  The results?  Colorful!  Check it out!

Staying Put and Turning Heads

Check out our C6 LED display system! It was designed for nightclubs, theaters, churches and other permanent installations that would like to add the impact of a big video wall – without big costs or installation headaches.  This lightweight, modular indoor video wall system features Tri-Color RGB black face SMD LEDs, a 6.25mm pixel pitch, […]

Corporate Events Cut Loose

They say that every cloud has a silver lining, but the rain clouds that washed out Expressworks’ 30th anniversary pool party had something much better. Their lining was multi-colored; complete with LED video images and vibrant eye candy courtesy of 108 PVP S5 panels, 16 Nexus 4×4 tiles and a plethora of other products from […]

Michael Meacham and “Revolutionizing Space” in Club Lighting

Soon as you walk into a club, you can always spot a Michael Meacham lighting design. It’s not that the popular LD’s work always has a similar look. On the contrary, what makes Meacham’s designs so special is how each fits its venue like an exquisitely tailored custom suit. That’s no accident. Long before he […]

Mark Carver On Lighting Live Events

They say that “politics makes strange bedfellows.” It also makes for some strange (or at least problematic) lighting issues, especially when you have to light a presidential debate with a multitude of candidates, all with different skin tones, facial features and other characteristics. Mark Carver (Mark Carver Designs, Nashville, TN) is more than up to […]