
NZ trip: Day 13, Christchurch

Posted on March 25, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional

It’s my last day in NZ.  I still have shopping to do as I have not gotten any gifts for anyone back home. We still had to go see one of Annie’s friends and we wanted to do some local tourist stuff as well. We started out by going Punting on the Avon. The Avon is a shallow river that winds its way through Christchurch. It is a very pure and clean river except for all of the ducks. This is also the source of the drinking water for the city. Don’t worry, it is filtered.

Perfect day to be on the water.

The punter of the boat told us that when the British decided to build a settlement here, it was only because they could not get their boats any further up the river. Sometimes the simple reason is the best reason. Nonetheless, the ride was really neat and in all her time living there, Annie had never done this. Connor just liked putting his hand in the water and taking pictures of all of the ducks.

Jeff, our Punter was really funny and full of information.

After the punting, we did some shopping, saw Annie’s friend, and then came back into town. We took a ride on the tram. The tram is a historical trip through the city with the driver as the narrator. Very enjoyable and informative. Annie wanted to get off in one of the parks and have a very special vanilla ice cream. She was right, it was good. Connor was chasing the birds around the park until we got back on the tram and took it all the way back to the town square. We got off and I had my last walk around the square. We went back out to Trish and Neil’s for dinner. Also, my last chance to get a fish and chip meal for awhile.