
NZ trip: Day 1-3, Getting there

Posted on March 13, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional

AA Advantage card

This is a photo of my AA Advantage card. There are many like it, but this one is mine. By the end of this trip, this and two others like it are feeling pretty full.


For anyone who has traveled extensively, you know when you are traveling with a small child, everyone in the gate area is hoping that they are on the opposite end of the plane from you.  The truth is Connor is a really good flyer. As a matter of fact, he is better than some adults I usually travel with.


This is a great example of how I wish I could fly.

The first flight to L.A. was a breeze. When we got on the plane, we were a little worried that there was no TV in the seat backs, but Connor was happy to read and play with his Star Wars collection. Between flights, we got off, got some food, kept him awake, and then got on the next flight.

Air New Zealand has just gotten new Airbus 333 planes. The business class seating looked great, but that was not where we were going. To the back of the Airbus for us. Connor slept for about six to seven hours. Not bad. Finally after crossing both the equator and the international date line, we were in Christchurch, New Zealand.