CHAUVET Professional Sponsors WFX Session By Bethel Church’s Alex Fuller
Posted on September 18, 2017DALLAS – Balancing lights with scenic elements will not only help churches create more engaging visuals on their sanctuary stages, it will also allow them to stretch their lighting budgets. This message is at the heart of “Lighting’s Secret Partner,” a WFX learning session by Alex Fuller, the well-known lighting and scenic director at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.
Sponsored by CHAUVET Professional, the session runs from 10-10:45 am on Wednesday October 11 in room C-145 at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, during the WFX Conference. Fuller will show how making even subtle changes in a light’s beam angle, position or color can have a major impact on the mood conveyed by a scenic element. He’ll also cover how to match common house of worship scenic elements with the correct lighting fixture, the effect of lighting scenic elements from the inside, and using video panels as scenic elements.
During the session, Fuller will draw on examples of his work from Bethel Church and Saddleback Church, where he served as a lighting designer for a number of years. Although both of these churches are very large, the lessons Fuller offers can be applied to a house of worship of any size.
“We’re extremely proud and happy to be hosting someone as highly esteemed as Alex at one of our WFX learning sessions,” said Albert Chauvet, CEO of Chauvet. “The information and insights that Alex will be providing will help everyone achieve better results with their lighting.”
Visit for more info about Chauvet at WFX.