CHAUVET Professional Fixtures “Multi Task” At New Faith Church | CHAUVET Professional



CHAUVET Professional Fixtures “Multi Task” At New Faith Church

Posted on March 17, 2015

HOUSTON – A house of worship can touch the spirit and bring worshippers closer to God in many different ways.  New Faith Church in Houston demonstrates just how true this statement is every single day. In addition to its Sunday morning services, this dynamic church serves its 2000 congregation members with a full schedule of outreach programs that range from traditional activities like child and youth ministries to more innovative offerings like a “Cultural Arts Ministry” that involves worshippers in drama and music.

A church with this diverse mission requires an equally varied lighting system, which is precisely what Sound Sound LLC of Houston provided, using fixtures from CHAUVET Professional along with trussing from its sister company TRUSST. “We had two very important goals in mind when we started this project, “said Michael Colby of Sound Sound.  “One was to reduce costs by replacing the old lighting system with more efficient LED fixtures, but that was just the beginning. We also wanted to create a system that could keep up visually with all of the various activities that take place at New Faith Church.”

In the case of New Faith Church, “keeping up visually” often means that fixtures have to multi task by performing different functions depending on the event taking place. A case in point is provided by the four Rogue R2 Spot moving LED spot fixtures that are ceiling mounted over the congregation on TRUSST CT290-430S 12-inch box truss approximately 60 feet from the stage.  Drawing on the fixture’s split color and seamless gobo capabilities as well as its rapid movements, Colby has it perform a variety of functions around the church’s worship stage.

“The Rogue R2 does multiple duties at New Faith,” said Colby. “It’s used to light the front of the stage for the invitation, the Lord’s Supper and the induction of new members. Then it’s also used to spotlight the choir and band with a little extra punch. At the same time, it’s counted on to add texture to events and services with various gobos. In addition to all of this, it provides moving eye candy for the church’s many concert and theatrical productions.”

The four Rogue R1 Washes that are ceiling mounted over mid-stage on TRUSST CT290-430S 12-inch box truss also multi task at New Faith Church. Colby’s design calls for these fixtures to be used to wash the stage and choir, as well as spot the baptismal and band. During the invitation and Lord’s Supper, the washes are also called upon to enhance the worshipper’s experience by providing back lights for the stage.

Joining the Rogue R1 Washes on the mid-stage overhead truss are six COLORdash Par-Quad 18 RGBA par-style fixtures that are used to provide overhead lighting and accent coloring. Colby positioned eight additional COLORdash Par-Quad 18 fixtures on the back ceiling of the choir stand and to the left and right of the baptismal for backlighting.

Colby also used Ovation LED theatrical lighting for the stage area, mounting them on the same TRUSST CT290-430S 12-inch box truss as the Rogue R2 Spot fixtures 60 feet from the stage. His design uses four Ovation E-190WW ellipsoidals and four Ovation F-165WW Fresnels to deliver main stage and podium frontal lighting. According to Colby, the 60-foot distance to the stage is no issue for these fixtures given their throw capabilities.

“Replacing the old incandescent ellipsoidals and Fresnels with the Ovation fixtures greatly reduced operating and service costs, which was a big motivation in making this change,” said Colby. “However the performance of the Ovation fixtures is really what’s captured attention and won fans at this church. The brightness and color temperature of these LED fixtures have made the video staff very, very happy. Everyone agrees that the quality of the videotaped services has improved dramatically with no upgrade to the cameras or screens; it’s really thanks to the Ovation fixtures!”

In general, the reaction to the new lighting system at New Faith Church has been “overwhelmingly positive,” according to Colby.  Thanks to their mix of features and flexibility, the Chauvet fixtures help the church in its diversified mission, and this, he says, “makes everyone involved very happy.”
