


Nuemos Gets Cool With CHAUVET Professional

SEATTLE – During the 1990s, the name Moe’s Mo’Roc’N Café resonated in the hearts of grunge fans everywhere. Located in a nondescript brown building in Seattle’s hip Capitol Hill district, the club didn’t look like much from the outside, but inside it was a cauldron of new musical expressions. Neil Young first collaborated with Pearl […]

Rogues Ride High At Hyde

MEXICO CITY – With a population bigger than New York’s and a colorful street scene that never quits, Mexico’s capital lives up to its reputation as North America’s “Maximum City.” Everything is on full throttle here, including a vibrant nightlife that features countless world-class clubs. A crown jewel of Mexico City’s club scene is Hyde, […]

CHAUVET Professional puts the Heart into Ibiza

Ghent, Belgium – Millions of tourists visit Ibiza’s old town every year. With its labyrinth of centuries old streets, alleys and cathedrals, it’s easy to see why countless people become enchanted with the island’s capital. Beautiful though it may be, in the last couple of decades Ibiza Town has become famous for an entirely different […]

CHAUVET Professional Awes and Engages At Manor Complex

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – The Manor Complex is located about 32 miles north of South Beach, but the crowds that jam pack this spacious 20,000 square foot venue don’t feel a compelling need to journey south on I-95. Why should they? There isn’t much that can’t be found at this very well-appointed superlative nightclub that […]

Chauvet Creates Versatile Looks For George Washington Party

CHESTERTOWN, MD – Back in 1782, George Washington consented to have the small “College at Chester” renamed in his honor.  More recently, the students and alumni at Washington College (the 10th oldest in the US) have been showing their appreciation for this gesture by throwing a giant annual party in honor of the first president.  […]