


CHAUVET Professional Helps Dimi Theuwissen Meet Challenges Of Lighting EU Parliament Conference

STRASBOURG, FRANCE – Appropriately on Europe Day, the European Parliament held the opening ceremony for its 2021 Conference on the Future of Europe entitled “The Future is in Your Hands.” This forward-looking theme was clearly reflected in the event’s setting, the modern hemicycle of the European Parliament Building. Accentuating the architectural features of these surroundings, […]

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Seen But Not Heard: Maverick Silens 2 Profile Enhances Experience at Åsane Kulturhus

BERGEN, NORWAY – From the outside, the sleek, new Åsane Kulturhus multi-use civic center projects an image of engineering excellence. This impression is reinforced throughout the spacious structure, including in its 540 square meter Culture Hal where the engineering and design team created pin-drop-perfect acoustics. Audiences attending performances at the hall are able to enjoy […]


CHAUVET Professional Unleashes New Force

SUNRISE, FL – CHAUVET Professional has turned the notion that “size matters” on its head with the new Maverick Force 2 Profile and Maverick Force 1 Spot. Developed after extensive R&D and with input from leading designers, this new family of high-performance, LED moving heads, pack arena-sized punch in lightweight frames. “We developed the new […]