
House of Worship

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CHAUVET Professional COLORado Solo Batten 4 Creates Seamless Scenic Looks

SUNRISE, FL – CHAUVET Professional’s new COLORado Solo Batten 4 sets the stage for seamless scenic looks at tours, festivals, churches, theatres, and other applications. A featured product at the company’s LDI booth (945), the unique 4-cell batten features seamless end-to-end RGBAW color mixing with no separation or dimmed lens corners. The fixture’s crisp looks […]


St. Malachy Church Blends Liturgy and Light with CHAUVET Professional

STERLING HEIGHTS, MI – Stained glass windows have traditionally provided a beautiful visual backdrop that’s added passion and power to services inside Catholic churches. The rectangular stained-glass windows at St Malachy also fill this role with their vivid colors and religious-themed abstract patterns. However, this dynamic church outside Detroit recently took a step beyond stained […]

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Craig Rutherford Uses CHAUVET Professional To Update Looks On First Baptist Church Pensacola’s Stage

PENSACOLA, FL – Founded in 1847, First Baptist Church Pensacola stays young, vibrant and relevant by seeking new ways to engage worshippers. In addition to its Sunday services, the church offers a host of events, from women’s conferences and mid-week learning sessions, to sports activities for people of all ages. Last year, the AVL system […]