


Rentek Creates Compelling Display On Sint Martinus Tower For Vurige Vijvers With CHAUVET Professional

GENK, BELGIUM – Sitting atop a hill, its 65-meter tower piercing the sky, Sint Martinus church is a familiar landmark that charms locals with its elegant architecture and the reassuring sounds of its 52-bell clarion. Recently, the Neo-Gothic church attracted admiring attention for another feature: the dynamic and richly textured lighting design that moved across […]

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The Creative Factory Reflects Spirit of Winterrevue Made in Belgium with CHAUVET Professional

ANTWERP, BELGIUM – Everyone has the ambition to become a jester at some point in life. Famed Belgian TV star Ingeborg Sergeant, called forth this quote from Ben Johnson when announcing online that she would be hosting Winterrevue Made in Belgium at the Theater Elckerlyc. The good doctor’s British ancestry notwithstanding, his words capture the […]

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CHAUVET Professional To Hold UK RoadShow

NOTTINGHAM, UK —  On Saturday, March 5, The Scottish Opera concludes its run of “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” at Edinburgh’s Festival Studio. Two days later, an event less dramatic, but equally magical (at least as far as lighting designers and programmers are concerned), will take place in the theatre when CHAUVET Professional kicks off its’ […]