

AVVR Creates New Event Look With Ovation E-910FC

Posted on February 14, 2018

GLENDALE, AZ – Like a good chef looking to spice up a familiar dish, Carlyle Kramer wanted to create a new look for his longtime client Hormel Foods at their annual sales meeting. In the past at this event, Kramer and his team at Audio Visual & Video Resources (AVVR) had used a white 9’ x 16’ surround with uplighting for their stage backdrop.

This time, however, they wanted to create a different look by flanking the center stage with two straight walls illuminated from top to bottom in deeply saturated colors. They accomplished this by creating a beautifully colored backdrop using eight CHAUVET Professional Ovation E-910FC RGBA-Lime color-mixing ellipsoidal fixtures, supplied by Monkey Wrench Productions.

“We decided that having the entire surface area around the screen bathed in rich colors would not only give us a new look, it would also create a more immersive environment,” said Kramer. “The only thing holding us back from doing this in the past was that we were concerned about hot spots. When you bathe a whole surface in a color, you run the risk of hot spots, which ruins the whole impression.”

Kramer was looking for a fixture that could provide a smooth even field of color without hot spots, when he learned about the Ovation E-910FC. “It was exactly what we were looking for,” he said.

For the event at the Glendale Renaissance, Kramer and his team of Ryan Conlon and Mark Gebhart positioned four Ovation E-910FC fixtures per screen on downstage truss. From these positions, the fixtures covered the backdrop with a consistent field of color.

“The colors matched beautifully. Plus, having interchangeable lenses made it easy to get the right sized wash,” said Kramer. “Our client loved the look, and we were able change colors very easily remotely to match different themes and even video content.”