

International Travel

Posted on July 16, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Working at CHAUVET requires I spend some serious time hanging out in the friendly skies. I have had to take my shoes off at some of the worlds finest airports, and have been stuck in the middle seat on more than one occasion on international long […]

Entertainment Technology is Coming of Age

Posted on July 10, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional The people of the modern entertainment technology industry are coming of age, and getting older. I look around and keep seeing younger and younger faces. I find myself saying things like “I was lighting shows when you were watching GI Joe” and “Back when I started […]

Tech Talk: Troubleshooting made easy.

Posted on June 30, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Everything breaks. As John Bender said in The Breakfast Club, “It’s an imperfect world, screws fall out all the time.” I can vouch for this. Not only am I a product manager for CHAUVET, but I have worked extensively in the field. The majority of my […]


Posted on June 24, 2011

A great afternoon with delicious food and even better company. Best part? Management cooked for everyone! Check out more photos. Wish you were here!

InfoComm 2011, Orlando

Posted on June 17, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Whew! It’s been hectic trade show season so far. We launched our new line of modular video panels at this show. Three of them in different pixel pitches (MVP 18, MVP 12 and MVP 37.5). And a new moving wash to the Q-Series called Q-Wash 260-LED. […]

Tech Talk: The Right Tool for the Job

Posted on June 14, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional I can clearly remember my dad always telling me to pick the right tool for the job. Pretty simple rule, right? The truth is that this rule applies to more than just picking the correct wrench. W-DMX is one of those tools in our industry that […]

NZ trip: Day 14, Christchurch

Posted on March 26, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Three thirty in the morning is really early. Again. I am up getting the final touches on my packing. Connor is out cold in his bed, but Annie is up with me. I hate leaving her here, but I have to go to China for meetings. […]

NZ trip: Day 13, Christchurch

Posted on March 25, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional It’s my last day in NZ.  I still have shopping to do as I have not gotten any gifts for anyone back home. We still had to go see one of Annie’s friends and we wanted to do some local tourist stuff as well. We started […]

NZ trip: Day 6, Christchurch

Posted on March 18, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional I was back in Christchurch. Annie and Connor were in Sydney for another day and I have meetings to get to. My first was with New Zealand Rockshop. The Rockshop is one of three music store chains in NZ. This one is exclusively serviced by MDR […]

NZ trip: Day 4, Christchurch

Posted on March 16, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional After getting settled in the hotel and getting a good night’s rest we are off to breakfast. It is also Waitangi Day. Waitangi Day is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between the Maori and the settlers. Depending on which side you […]

NZ trip: Day 1-3, Getting there

Posted on March 13, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional   For anyone who has traveled extensively, you know when you are traveling with a small child, everyone in the gate area is hoping that they are on the opposite end of the plane from you.  The truth is Connor is a really good flyer. As […]

Tech Talk: How to Master the Art of Busking

Posted on February 16, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional We all prefer to walk into a show that is totally programmed and ready to rock. We love it when there is actually time to program a show during the rehearsal stage of the production and have a clear and concise cue list. It’s even better […]