

Arts and Music Festival Celebrates in Vivacious Colors

Posted on October 6, 2011

Maplewood, N.J.  – Ten COLORado Batten 72 TOUR fixtures washed an old façade and clock tower at Columbia High School in brilliant colors for an arts and music festival. Charlie Hooven, owner of Synergy Systems in Holmdel, N.J., specified the wash lights incorporated in this temporary installation. Hooven chose to invest in CHAUVET fixtures when […]

Lighting is Infectious

Posted on October 4, 2011

We believe this to be true. Admittedly, we have a love affair with light—light fixtures, light design and lighting in general. Lighting has infected us. Light breathes life into any design: concert stages, theater, interior spaces and skylines. For us, it has added life to our booth at LDI, which will embody our current expression […]

Tennessee trip: Grand Ole Opry

Posted on September 27, 2011

Dwight Slamp, Business Development Manager for Production/Touring, is on the road. He stopped at the Grand Ole Opry and took a couple of photos of our COLORado Series in action. Check them out.

Brazil trip: Expomusic 2011

Posted on September 23, 2011

Global Sales Director, Stéphane Gressier, and Business Development Manager for Latin American, Paula Ortiz, are in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the 28th annual Expomusic 2011, an international music fair. More to come on their adventure, but for now we have these great photos. Lots of COLORado wash lights have been spotted!

PLASA 2011 is in the Can

Posted on September 16, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional After a very successful PLASA, I would like to thank a few people.  First, I want to thank Sam from our CHAUVET Europe office for being the consummate professional during the buildup, the show, and tear down, as well as programming a great booth. I know […]

Tech Talk: Order from Chaos

Posted on September 13, 2011

How to Design an Impeccable Show Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional In my opinion, there is only one way to design a successful show: you should have the collaboration under control and should start from the beginning. It is really easy to make the mistake of starting from the middle and […]

Earls Court, London

Posted on September 9, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional I’m at PLASA 2011. We are getting the show ready and for the second time, we are right in front of the doors leading to Earls Court 2. For those of you who have been to Earls Court, you know that right before those doors, the […]

Seriously ?!?

Posted on August 30, 2011

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional Frustration can come in many different forms. For me, it usually comes in the form of an airport. I write about travel quite a bit as, well, I travel a lot. In fact, I am hitting my gold level with American Airlines on this very trip—a […]


Posted on August 18, 2011

Hot band of the moment, LMFAO, performed a recent concert at Chapman University in Orange, Calif. Nearly 60 CHAUVET COLORado 1-Tri TOUR tri-colored static wash lights (32 in the truss and 24 in the back wall) were used as audience blinders for the show. LMFAO CHAPMAN CONCERT(RECAP) from CRAZYCHRISFILMS LLC on Vimeo.

Theme park awash with LEDs

Posted on August 4, 2011

Hot summer nights at Kings Dominion theme park in Richmond, Va., got a little cooler with the help of 20 COLORado Range, 21 COLORado Ridge and 16 COLORado 1-Tri TOUR wash lights installed by Blue Haze Entertainment. [youtube=]

To Oslo with Love

Posted on July 26, 2011

Dedicated to our extended CHAUVET family in Norway. Our thoughts are with you.