
On Tour

Corsican Customer Displays CHAUVET Professional at Open House

Posted on June 23, 2014

Atacc International install and rental company of the island of Corsica recently organized an exciting open house, bringing on display various fixtures from CHAUVET Professional, like the Parnelli Award winner Nexus 4×4, Nexus Aq 5×5, Nexus Aq 7×7, moving heads from the Rogue line, PVP video panels and more. All lights come via French distributor […]

Peter Greenbaum Specs NEXUS 4×4 for the Today Show

Posted on June 3, 2014

LD Peter Greenbaum gives the Nexus 4×4 a great present — Peter has spec’ed Nexus 4×4 units for the Today Show!  Check out the story below. NEW YORK – Performers often win new fans when they appear on NBC’s Today Show. Sometimes high-output LED panels do too. Such was the case recently when the Nexus […]

NEXUS Brings Output and Reliability to the Coachella Stage!

Posted on April 28, 2014

Did you go to Coachella?  Were you among the Coachella-goers who were rocked every night by the great line-up?  Check out how our NEXUS 4×4‘s performed during the two-week run out in Indio, California — they were all above the main rig, lighting the vibe!

YELLOWCARD and LD Cody James ROCK the LEGEND Line!

Posted on April 17, 2014

The band YELLOWCARD is out there right now with lighting designer Cody James, rocking the Legend 230 SR Beam and the Legend 412 LED wash from CHAUVET Professional.  Have you seen their show?  It’s energetic, the audiences love it, and the band brings a lighting performance that accentuates the wide scale of their talent!

Q-Wash Washes in Hot Colors Red Hot Chili Peppers

Posted on April 14, 2014
red hot chili peppers

RCHP Awesomeness! About 85 CHAUVET Professional luminaires took center stage with rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers for a fiery performance at Coliseo de Puerto Rico Jose Miguel Agrelot.  Musique Xpress Lights from Puerto Rico used 49 Q-Wash 560Z-LED & 35 Q-Wash 260-LED wash lights paced on high truss sticks throughout the set.


Posted on April 11, 2014

Did you see Lady Gaga at South by Southwest in Austin (so sorry, SXSW!), lit by NEXUS 4×4?  Live Design wrote an awesome article about it, check it out!   From the article: “Originally Lady Gaga was slated to perform at Doritos’ large vending machine, and at the last minute the city denied Doritos the […]