Earls Court, London | CHAUVET Professional


Earls Court, London

Posted on September 9, 2011

– Mike Graham, looking pensive in front of MVP video panels

Written by Mike Graham, product manager for CHAUVET Professional

I’m at PLASA 2011. We are getting the show ready and for the second time, we are right in front of the doors leading to Earls Court 2. For those of you who have been to Earls Court, you know that right before those doors, the floor of the hall tilts up a little. That tilt is where the stages are when the big shows come in.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a big Pink Floyd fan. In fact, I’m writing this blog and listening to “P•U•L•S•E Live at Earls Court”. It actually sends a chill down my spine to think that I am lucky enough to build up a rig and help design and program lights in the exact spot where some of the greatest shows have ever been produced. Not only was PULSE here in 1994, but the original “The Wall” was also staged here in 1980 and again in 1981. It is a mind-blowing thing for me to think about those shows and in my own little way, I can pay tribute to those who have come before me and produced some of the greatest shows ever. Not only has Pink Floyd made history there, but many others including Led Zeppelin, Genesis, The Who, The Rolling Stones,  Queen, Dire Straits, David Bowie, Elton John, U2, and Madonna have played sold-out multi-night shows there. Some of the world’s best lighting designers have held court right there where our booth is.

Pink Floyd at Earls Court, 1973

For some reason, I feel totally at ease working here in this space. I’m not sure if is the history of the room, or if it the intimacy of working in a smaller space than at trade shows like LDI or Pro Light + Sound. I look forward to coming back here year after year and doing our show in the same place. Right here, where the floor tilts.

Today, I heard a terrible rumor (as if there is any other kind). I heard within the next two years, Earls Court Exhibition Centre would face its own demise. I also just read about it online. Looks like this venue will be torn down to make way for 8,000 flats. This is a travesty of the highest proportions.

I plan to make the most of the tilted floor this year.
